Social media cannot break up a marriage, only people can. According to the podcast, "People communicating online often fall for each other in about a week, two or three times as fast on average as those courting face to face." Why? The constant attention is addictive. Your cellular device can be in your hand all day while your spouse has to go to work and do other things. Maybe, just maybe people let go of their boundaries when they communicate with other people through social media. Instead of waiting and withholding information about themselves, they allow the person into their lives a lot sooner than they should. Another reason courting through social media may happen a lot faster than courting face to face is because when people connect through social media, they are already done with the relationship they had with their spouse. They could be looking for an outlet like social media. Mike Green's ex-wife knew that having an affair was wrong. Social media didn't force her to have the affair; it merely provided the opportunity for the affair to happen and flourish. Social media provided a way for her to get constant attention from another man but the man was the source of the constant attention and she welcomed it. She got too comfortable. In my Web Tech class we talk about being safe digital learners, protecting yourself on the Internet and the World Wide Web. My instructor stressed that we should not allow our personal information (i.e., home address, phone numbers, etc.) to be on the Internet. I never thought that I would have to learn how to protect my relationships. The Internet provides us many new opportunities, some good and in this case some bad ones. We have to be very selective with the opportunities we choose to take advantage of because some can change our life in a very negative way. When new web technologies are introduced to a society, it is imperative that the individuals in that society yield to their morals and values instead of allowing the wow-factor of the technology blind their judgment. Social media did not break up that marriage. Social media cannot break up any marriage, only people can.
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